Platter and Palette

Gift Card


PLEASE NOTE: Our gift cards are electronic and you will not receive a hard copy in the mail.

Your gift card will be sent to the RECIPIENT EMAIL immediately after purchase. For this reason, we recommend that you enter YOUR email address in this field so that the gift card is sent to you. You can then forward the email to the recipient whenever you like, or print it and present it to your loved one in a card, an envelope or an elaborate origami treasure chest.

Platter and Palette gift cards can be applied to any of our products including public event tickets, DIY paint packs and merchandise. The gift card recipient only requires the gift card number when applying the card, and can use all or part of the card for a particular purchase. Gift cards cannot be used to purchase other gift cards. If you have any issues at all with your purchase, please email

Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
500 characters remaining
Quantity: 1
1 to each recipient